


Omicron is a framework for the development of intelligent agents.

This site is still a work in progress and will continually be updated. This is where the documentation for all Omicron Projects will be.

The following projects are part of the Omicron Framework:

  • Omicron - an agent development library
  • Omnigraph - an agent memory graph
  • Delta Protocol - a flexible protocol for the sharing and access of data among networked services


The Omicron Framework is the brainchild of Ivan Leon. Omicron is a collection of sub-projects guided by a philosophy for how technology and artificial intelligence should facilitate and enhance the every day, mundane interactions humans have with the world around them.


Rather than focusing on building a single-domain task solver, Omicron agents provide developers with a core agent architecture that supports integration with third-party task solvers through Mechanisms. The core architecture is composed of an Agent class, a memory graph called Omnigraph, an Agenda and AgendaProcessor, and Mechanisms which are categorized into InputMechanisms, OutputMechanisms, and InternalMechanisms.


Omnigraph is an agent memory graph for memory embedding in a muti-dimensional matrix that can build arbitrary semantic relationships across nodes. More information coming soon.

Delta Protocol

The Delta Protocol is a flexible protocol for the sharing and access of data among networked services that allows agents restrict the amount, kind, and depth of the data that is being accessed by each service.